Wednesday 11 May 2011

Choosing the right DJ / Disco

With disco equipment varying greatly in quality & price, the DJing profession is more accessible than ever. With this, there is a multitude of DJ’s within the marketplace, which brings a huge amount of choice for clients. Therefore, what should you look for when making your decision?

This first question that we’re often asked when someone is making an enquiry is, ‘How much do you charge…’

Of course, this is a valid question as the vast majority of clients have a budget for their entertainment. However, there are many more factor to consider other than price; a bigger factor is value for money.

Many DJs price they’re jobs very cheaply and their service reflects this. They may have a poor sound system, a cheap lightshow, have very little musical knowledge & have bad microphone skills.

In many cases, the more expensive DJs in the marketplace also offer a service that reflects the level of service you can expect from them, they are legally run and professional companies with a fantastic lightshow, crystal clear sound system and excellent microphone skills. They will also have an extensive musical knowledge, with the ability to read a crowd and play the most appropriate for them.

So, when considering a DJ for your night, the main question is – how much value do you place on having the best party possible?

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